The arts are the most exciting way to bring more imagination, joy and necessary bridges in our world. My performances and audioworks are weavings of music, word art and theatre. I am specialised in creating conceptual projects on location with an inclusive, playful and intuitive approach.

I facilitate workshops and create performances, audiobooks/walks, podcasts for- and in collaboration with festivals, municipalities, venues and organisations such as Paradiso Melkweg Productiehuis, Productiehuis Hollandse Luchten, Volksuniversiteit Amsterdam, HAL25, Poppodium De Victorie, Buitenkunst, MUS-E Belgium, De Vest Theater and Centrum voor de Kunsten Beverwijk.

❂ ‘Mignon makes you experience the indestructible power of imagination by guiding the listener gently into her world. A good place to hang around. Especially now.’ Het Parool

❂ ‘Rarely has a dystopian pop opera sounded so reassuring. Or so lush and sonorous. Milou not only masters her language, but her melodies are also enchantingly beautiful. And what a singer she is!’ Flip van der Enden (Pinguin Radio)

❂ ‘A clear theatrical influence is present in the songs of Milou Mignon. With dreamy lyrics and a resolute voice she, as it were, draws theatre plays.’ 3 voor 12

Workshops & Ateliers

Research & Conversation